Bulk Import Environments


The Bulk Import Environments feature allows you to upload Environments from Excel. With this feature, instead of creating new Environments individually, you download the template from Plutora and fill up the required fields for the Environments in the file and then upload it on Plutora.
The Bulk Import feature saves enables you to create hundreds of records quickly.


You must have the ‘Create Environments’ user permission.
You must have the required application to open .xlsx file.
Environment> Manager

Access ‘Bulk Import Environments’ Feature

To access the ‘Bulk Import’ feature, navigate to the ‘Manager’ page and click and select Bulk Import Environments.

Bulk Import Environments pop-up displays. Follow the below steps to Bulk Import Environments.

Source Tab

Download the Excel import template file

Download the import template so you can start adding the data to be imported. To download the import template, click the download the template file link. The template will contain a column for every field, including Environment Custom Fields

Fill the Excel file

Add your Environment data to the downloaded template file.

Date Format requirements:

  • The wizard will only accept date formats that have been configured under Customization->Site Settings->Localization
  • Supported time formats are:
      • HH:MM AM or PM (09:00 PM)
      • HH:MM (21:00)

    If seconds are present, they will be truncated.

Check for duplicates: Environment records with the same Name will be skipped at import with the error: Environment Name already exists.

Fill in all mandatory core and custom fields.

Environment records with bad formatting, missing data, or other errors will be handled by:

  • Mandatory fields:  Being skipped at import and an error being logged.
  • Non-mandatory fields: Being imported without that data and a warning being logged.

Upload the Excel file

To upload your Excel file to Plutora:

  1. Select Bulk Import Environments from the  menu.
  2. Select the file to upload by dragging and dropping the file into Drop your file here or click Browse Local Computer, select the file, and click Open. The maximum Excel file size that can be uploaded is 2MB.
  3. Click .

Mapping tab

Once your Excel file has been uploaded, you must map each column of your data to a field in Plutora.

Auto Mapping: Auto Mapping saves time by automatically matching column headings with Plutora’s field names. The Excel template file should map perfectly if the column headings are unedited and no System Custom Fields have been added since the template was downloaded.

Manual Mapping: Manually map your data when

  • You only want to import mandatory fields, not custom fields.
  • Your Excel file column heading cells do not match Plutora’s fields.

Auto Mapping

To map your data automatically, click . All columns display the mapped data.

A warning pop-up will show if any required or non-required field has not been mapped ‘The import will not proceed if any required fields have not been mapped.’ In such a case, close the pop-up, then click Cancel, and upload an edited Excel file again.

Click .

To remove manual mappings, click .

Manual Mapping

To map manually,

  1. Click a cell. A map value pop-up opens with the column value. For example, Column G.
  2. Click the map value pop-up.
  3. The ‘Copy values from’ pop-up opens. Select a field from where the column data should be copied on the Select a field drop-down.
    • Field names are in alphabetical order, mandatory fields first.
    • Fields with * are mandatory and must be mapped for the upload to proceed.
  4. Once a field is selected, the pop-up closes.
  5. Continue matching columns to fields until all mandatory fields and as many other values as necessary are mapped.
  6. Once the mapping is done, click .

To remove manual mappings, click .

Validation & Confirmation tab

After clicking , the Validation & Confirmation tab will open and the data will be validated.

Then the ‘Confirmation’ message will open.

Click View Details under the Validation & Confirmation section to see more information about the import:

  • Errors (such as incorrect formatting) in mandatory fields will result in the record being skipped.
  • Errors in non-mandatory fields will result in the record being imported with warnings.

Under the Confirmation section, the numbers may not add up to the total number of records, as the same record can be skipped and have warnings at the same time.

Click to ignore the warning messages and proceed with the import or click to start the import again.

Processing tab

The file import processes, showing the percentage completed.

Summary tab

The Summary tab opens with an overview of the data imported and the error messages.

Click View detailed log to see the full list of records successfully created without warnings, the records created with a warning (for example, a missing value for a non-mandatory field), and records skipped and not created due to errors.

You have now bulk imported the data in your Excel file to Plutora. Click Close.

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