Release System Deployment To Customization

Release System Deployment To items are selected when adding or editing a Deployment Activity under the Systems tab on the Release Manager pop up.

Location of Release System Deployment To

To locate the field that Release System Deployment To customizes:

  1. Go to Release > Manager.
  2. Click the Releases toggle button (if present).
  3. Click to open a Release.
  4. Click the Systems tab.
  5. Click one of the Deployment Dates in the Code Implementation Dependency panel.
  6. Double-click a field under the Deploying To column to view the drop-down menu customized in Release System Deployment To Customization.

    Deploying To column’s header can be customized in Systems – Enterprise Setup Customization so it might not be labeled ‘Deploying To’.


Add a Release System Deployment To

To add a Release System Deployment To item:

  1. Go to Settings > Customization > Releases.
  2. Click Release System Deployment To.
  3. Click Add Field.
  4. Type the new Value field.
  5. Click to select the Default checkbox to make the item appear by default in the drop-down menu.
  6. Click Submit.
    The yellow Your changes have been saved pop up opens and closes.
    If you click away from the Customization page without clicking Submit, your changes will not save.

Edit a Release System Deployment To

To edit a Release System Deployment To item:

  1. Go to Settings> Customization > Releases.
  2. Click Release System Deployment To.
  3. Click to select the Release System Deployment To item.
  4. Click Edit Field.
  5. Edit the Value field.
  6. Click to select the Default checkbox to make the item appear by default in the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Submit.
    The yellow Your changes have been saved pop up opens and closes.
    If you click away from the Customization page without clicking Submit, your changes will not save.

Sort Release System Deployment To

Sort Manually

Sorting Release System Deployment To manually changes their order in drop-down menus.

Refresh your browser to sort manually after sorting alphabetically. 

To sort Release System Deployment To manually:

  1. Go to Settings> Customization > Releases.
  2. Click Release System Deployment To.
  3. Hover your mouse cursor over the sort column.
    The sort handle (six gray dots) appears.
  4. Left-click and drag the sort handle to resort the Release System Deployment To.
  5. Click Submit.
    The yellow Your changes have been saved pop up opens and closes.
    If you click away from the Customization page without clicking Submit, your changes will not save.

Sort by Column Header

Sorting Release System Deployment To by column header only changes their order on the Customization page.

To sort alphabetically on the Customization page by column header:

  1. Go to Settings> Customization > Releases.
  2. Click Release System Deployment To.
  3. Click a column header.
    The Release System Deployment To will revert to their previous order when you click away from the Customization page.



Delete or Replace a Release System Deployment To

Deleting a Release System Deployment To item will not delete it from Release records. But it will no longer be available when adding or editing a Release.

Replacing a Release System Deployment To item will replace it in existing Release records.

To delete or replace a Release System Deployment To item:

  1. Go to Settings> Customization > Releases.
  2. Click Release System Deployment To.
  3. Click to select the Release System Deployment To item.
  4. Click Delete Field.
  5. Choose one of the following:
    1. Delete and Replace:
      1. Select the item that will replace the deleted Release System Deployment To item from Replace with.
      2. Click Delete and Replace.
        Your updates will be automatically saved. There is no need to click Submit.
    2. Delete:
      1. Click Delete.
        Your updates will be automatically saved. There is no need to click Submit.


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